The smaller islands, designed as a paradigmatic example or as a metaphor for the need to conduct aimed at environmental sustainability, the rational use of resources, to the knowledge of the “limits” of actions to environmental impact, have been the inspiring element of the project “Dolphins guardians of the island“. Designed and produced by Marevivo since 2009, the project aims to initiate, within certain classes of primary and secondary schools of the smaller Italian islands, educational courses aimed at the formation of a group of pupils “Dolphins Guardians”, which They will have a greater awareness and responsibility in protecting the environmental resources of its territory.
The project also involves local operators which, when formed, will collaborate with educators Marevivo in environmental education activities focused on knowledge of the natural, archaeological and environmental island.
A feature of the project is to facilitate the meeting with experts, valuing the experiences of different people in various fields.

The local community can participate in it with the “memory bank”, consisting of the traditions, the customs and traditions spontaneously oriented towards the social, cultural and environmental, offering didactic ideas for interdisciplinary research, evaluation, animation teaching.

Transmit the culture and knowledge of local resources is crucial to promote the civic sense of belonging to the land that is one of the aims of the project.
Peculiarity of the project is also the strong involvement of local institutions (municipalities, Coast Guard, Port Authority, the State Forestry Corps, Navy), associations and economic operators in the area.