By: aipfadmin On: May 12, 2017 In: News Comments: 0

The Aeolian Islands Preservation Fund is delighted to announce the safe arrival of Sea Shepherd’s esteemed trimaran, Brigitte Bardot, to the Aeolian Islands. This is the first time that the Brigitte Bardot has been seen in the archipelago, and is here to provide protection and conservation to endangered species native to Aeolian waters. The ship is committed to provide support to the marine protected area of Plemmirio and in particular, to protecting the Dusky Grouper, which is close to extinction.

The project started after a successful exchange between the President of the Aeolian Island Preservation Fund, Luca Del Bono with Captain Paul Watson and Farrah Smith of Sea Shepherd, with the aim to protect our sea and the marine ecosystem, followed by a Think Tank that took place last October at Capofaro Resort, with the participation of Andrea Morello, National Coordinator of Sea Shepherd, Mariasole Bianco-Worldrise and IUCN, Rory Moore-Blue Marine Foundation, Monica Blasi-Filicudi Wildlife Conservation, Allison Parry-Habitat mapping expert for Oceana, Adrian Grenier-Lonely Whale Foundation and for AIPF Luca Del Bono, Giulia Bernardi and Federica Tesoriero.

We are delighted of this partnership as the Think Tank gave birth to a global network to protect the Aeolian sea and species at risk. The presence of the Brigitte Bardot in the Aeolian Islands will create awareness for the protection of the marine environment, threatened by pollution and illegal poaching, unfortunately still a widespread practice.

The children and the community of Salina and Lipari had the opportunity to visit the ship and meet the crew, getting information about the incredible work that Sea Shepherd NGO does around the world for the protection of the ocean.

Sea Shepherd and the Aeolian Preservation Fund are at the moment collaborating to find the best way to protect the Aeolian sea and we are discussing the possibility of finding a specific boat to monitor the archipelago, in order to support the small artisanal fishermen and fight illegal ones.