By: aipfadmin On: June 08, 2021 In: News Comments: 0

The Aeolian Islands Preservation Foundation (AIPF) has evaluated the proposal of supporting the C.P. A.M.P. Salina objectives, in the next 12 months, to promote the Marine Protected Area for the island of Salina.

Our foundation is aligned and supporting the Committee (C.P. A.M.P. Salina) mission. We aim for a Aeolian marine protected area – and we believe Salina could be the first positive example.

AIPF’s mission is to preserve a healthy ecosystem while supporting local traditions. Therefore, the AIPF emphasized with the Committee the importance of how a full involvement of the local community from a very early stage is a fundamental step to lead a successful initiative. The Aeolian Islands Preservation Foundation believes that the objectives of these social and communication activities are of great importance for the success of the Marine area and its future management, therefore provided funds to support the communication towards this common mission.

Our foundation is also aligning the MISSION BLUE, which marked the Aeolian as one of the HOPE SPOT.