The Aeolian Islands Preservation Fund (AIPF) works to preserve the exceptional natural beauty of the Aeolian Islands, by promoting a sustainable approach to tourism and development through a number of sustainable initiatives across 5 main areas: Marine Conservation; Landscape Conservation; Sustainable Agriculture; Waste Management; Renewable Energy.

Marine conservation
Working with BLUE Marine Foundation to protect the Aeolian waters, and to develop a strong small scale sustainable fishery.
BLUE brought fishermen from across the Mediterranean – including Greece, France, Cyprus, Turkey and Aeolian Islands together to visit the fisherman of Lyme Bay (UK), to share their knowledge and ideas on how to ensure sustainable fishing practices. The Lyme Bay fishermen are the pioneers of a “world first” model of sustainable fishing and here the marine environment has transformed, with an 84% increase in species diversity observed in just five years. Fishermen are also enjoying premium prices for their catch because of its quality and traceability. The fishermen from Salina and Stromboli have created a voluntary code of conduct to fish responsibly.

New insulating fish containers were given to the fishermen who have joined the responsible fisheries project in Salina and Stromboli, in order to improve the quality of their catch (keeping it fresh for longer) and to reduce the use of single use polystyrene boxes.

Our recreational boating ‘code of conduct’ will now be displayed prominently on all boat rentals across the Aeolians, with the support of the Coast Guard. We hope that this will educate boat users about how to enjoy the best of the local marine environment whilst simultaneously protecting, and not harming, its habitats and wildlife.
The Anton Dohrn Zoological Station shared the final report about the health of the Posidonia oceanica meadows in Salina, supported by the AIPF and BLUE. Some areas are negatively impacted by human activities, some other are still very pristine. 30% of global seagrass have disappeared over the last 50 years and global warming may lead to its extinction by 2050. It is considered the lung of the sea since it produces oxygen and creates ideal habitats for the survival of multiple marine species.
Reusable bottles have been distributed for all the children of the school of Malfa – Istituto Comprensivo Lipari 1, in collaboration with Marevivo, where a water machine with drinkable water is present, with the aim to reduce the consumption of plastic bottles, incentivizing to use the water machine of Malfa. The school of Malfa is now the first plastic free school of the Aeolian Islands.

The “TartaNet Aeolian” project by Filicudi Wildlife Conservation recently launched, with the aim to improve the recovery and rescue of injured or threatened sea turtles in the Aeolian Islands. Educational information (Download the poster / TartaNet documentary) will be disseminated to the local community, tourists and children. Workshops around the schools of all the islands have been planned.
The Kurma Assocation launched it’s course “Understanding the Sea – environmental education and marine biology”, in collaboration with the Istituto Comprensivo Lipari S.Lucia and the Wildlife Museum of the University of Messina. The project aims to share the valuable knowledge passed down by generations of Aeolian fishermen. Topics covered included discussing how to retain and improve fish stocks, as well as how to raise awareness of environmental issues and solutions; field trips with the fishermen have also been planned.
Tackling illegal fishing with Sea Shepherd
In 2018 we supported Sea Shepherd and their Operation SISO, to tackle illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. It collected 52 fads (Fishing Aggregating Devices) and 100km of polypropylene line in the Aeolian Islands. A video has been published focusing on the effects of the operation.
Landscape conservationThe “Recovery of the historic paths of Alicudi: rediscovering the natural heritage and terraced landscapes of Mediterranean small islands” project took place. The initiative has been supported by the AIPF and organized by the local association DottEolie in collaboration with Nesos. The aim of the project is to give value to the landscape cultural heritage of Alicudi island by promoting actions to recover and maintain the historic paths and dry stone walls crossing the terraces of the island, involving resident workers.
Sustainable agriculture
We supported the project “Colouring in sweetness” by Condotta Slow Food – Isole Slow Siciliane. Giacomo Emanuele, from Emanumiele farm, who produces honey from Black Sicilian Bees (Slow Food Presidium), has delivered five beehives to the schools of Malfa, Leni, Filicudi, Panarea and Lipari. The children decorated the hives and swarms of Black Sicilian Bees will be places inside. At the end of the production cycle the children will receive a jar of honey, produced thanks to their hard work.
Waste managementPanarea, Vulcano and Malfa have now launched eco compactors that collect, compact and incentivize the recycling of plastic bottles, in the frame of the EmergenSea Campaign by Marevivo. This follows the successful launch of the first eco-compactor in the Aeolians which we installed in Lipari last year, and which collected and recycled over 70,000 bottles.The project has been supported by AIPF, BLUE and Caronte & Tourist.
Our Chairman Luca Del Bono was invested by the Italian ambassador in London with a reception at the Embassy of Italy, to celebrate his receiving the highest ranking knighthood Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, from the President of Italy.

The first edition of the Round Aeolian Race started, 140 miles sailing across the Aeolian Islands. The Aeolian Islands Preservation Fund among the promoters of the initiative!

In Panarea the biologist Carmelo Isgrò told us the story of Siso, the sperm whale who died in the Aeolians and whose skeleton will be exhibited in the MUMA Museum in Milazzo, with the illegal net and plastic that killed him. The event has been organized in collaboration with the association Noi di Panarea and the school of the island.

A mission to collect ghost nets from across the Aeolian Islands for the purpose of creating healthier seas and recycling marine litter into textile products, in collaboration with The Healthy Seas, Ghost Fishing, Blue Marine, local divings and fishermen has been organized. The project envisages the creation of a storage area for the nets in Malfa (Salina), thanks to the availability of the Municipality, to actively involve the local community and in particular the fishermen, in the transfer of nets abandoned and recovered at sea, during the summer season. We thank also the Coast Guard of Lipari for their precious support.

Everybody is invited to join the beach clean up in Lipari this summer, with the aim to free our beaches from all kinds of waste. The children of the island will be involved. Get in touch with Magazzino di Mutuo Soccorso to confirm the dates!

Thank you Corriere della Sera for having dedicated a beautiful article to the Aeolian Islands Preservation Fund and to the organizations and associations we collaborate with. A great alliance!

